Headaches |
Therapy is a very effective treatment if your headaches are caused by musculoskeletal problems. This is because many chronic headaches, such as tension or cervicogenic headaches, actually originate elsewhere in the body, mainly the neck. Headaches can also be caused by back injuries or migraine disorders.
If you have a leaking pipe, are you going to mop up the puddle every day or are you going to fix the pipe? Therapy is far more effective at treating chronic headaches than painkillers because it treats the source of the problem, rather than just alleviating symptoms. Chronic headaches can be caused by a number of things including:
Your therapist will ask you about your daily habits to help identify things that may be contributing to your headaches. Together, you and your therapist will come up with a plan to help eliminate your headaches. |
PT Plus Can Help With Your HeadacesOn your first visit, our physical therapy experts will perform an analysis to identify the root causes of your chronic headaches. This is to ensure each patient receives the customized care that they deserve. After all, physical therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
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Struggling with basic activities doesn't have to be part of your daily life. PT Plus is right down the street -- and we're waiting to help mitigate pain and improve your quality of life. Find your local PT Plus Wisconsin pain management facility below and get started with an evaluation.